This week we went to Fort Martin Scott. It was very windy, but the kids enjoyed exploring the old buildings and reading about the old fort which was more like at outpost. With lots of old log cabins where the soldiers used to stay.
Here is Alan and Jade on the ruins of one of the buildings. It was quite interesting how they established the fort and survived out in the wilderness on the frontier.

On the same day we also went to the pioneer museum in Fredericksburg. They had many old buildings and neat displays. They had an old fashioned one room school house which the kids stayed at for quite a while, as it looked like something right out "Little house on the Prairie".

Here is Kenny and Ashley next to a display of a cowhide frontier men's outfit. They had a lot of interesting stuff about life in rural Texas in the late 1800.

More interesting things that Kenny found.

This was a little cabin that was "found" in the middle of a much larger old house. Apparently they had built on to it and added rooms until the original cabin was "lost" and only when they tore down the house did they find the old cabin in the middle of the old house. So they restored it. They kids thought that was pretty cool.