We took a trip up to Edinburgh while I was there and even though we all had colds and the weather was beyond freezing it was so worth it. I'd love to go back there sometime in the summer and enjoy seeing everything again. The whole city is just full of history and you feel like taking a picture of every single building, street, alley and shop as it's all so full of character. We just had a hard time pulling our hands out of our gloves long enough to snap as many pics as we'd have liked to.
Besides visiting the awesome castle, we took a guided bus tour through the city, the only intelligent way of seeing as much as possible in the bitter cold with two babies. That was great fun! The tour guide entertained us with all sorts of stories and gave us a brief history of as much of the city as he could. I think one could spend weeks wandering the streets of Edinburgh just taking it all in.
Well, I wont bore you by posting all of my pictures, but here's a couple.

The Edinburgh castle. A real deal castle. I just wished I had my boys with me, they would've loved it.

here's a pic from the inside.

This, rather regular building for Edinburgh, happens to be a hotel.

A William Wallace actor on the streets, entertaining the tourists.