It was a sad day but we sold the fly dutchman the boys wanted something that would go faster. So we got ourselves a little duck boat with a 20 hp outboard. It goes pretty fast like 30 miles an hour.
Here are some pictures of us playing with it. It does tubing and i will use it to teach the boys wakeboarding. We will probably paint it green.
Someone gave me some cherry filled chocolates not too long ago and since I don't like cherry flavored things, we gave them to the kids for a shiner prize. At the time Ashley didn't like them and said she didn't care for cherries either. Later on she came to me and said, "Mom, do you have any more cherry chocolates?" and I said, "No. I thought you didn't like them." and she said, "Well, I'm learning to like them and I think I need to practice!"
We were at the park having a picnic with the kids and there was a group close by at another table eating. A woman at the table sneezed and Ashley piped up in a very loud voice, "Mom, is that woman sneezing because she has the SWINE FLU?" Chad and I both just about died with embarassment and laughter at the same time. Kids sure know how to keep you humble :D.