In Fredericksburg, a town pretty close to Boerne, they have an awesome museum and we were able to take the kids there recently. It's called the National museum of the Pacific war and it started with Pearl Harbor and went through the US's involvemnt in WW2 in the Pacific.
Admiral Nimitz, who was the commander in cheif of the US navy during WW 2 was from Fredericksburg and the museum is in his family house. The kids loved it and were so impressed by how many real artifacts they had at the museum.

Kenny, Alan and Ashley in the Japanese Garden of Peace, a gift from the people of Japan to the US people and Admiral Nimitz after the war.

One of the shells of a "fat boy", an atomic bomb like the one dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. This would have been one of the third or fourth bombs dropped had the Japanese not surrendered.

Inside a Q hut fitted out as a medical facility.

Having a tour of the combat zone.

This was a real PT boat, a restored boat that saw action during the war.

An audio visual show, part of the museum tour.

Some of the neat displays.

The boys loved this. It's a real B29 bomber plane.

Another favorite, this was a real Japanese midget submarine. During the attack on Pearl Harbor the Japanese brought five midget submarines on the backs of big submarines and sent them into the harbor. This was one of those five and was displayed as if it were riding on a Japanese submarine.
They had really put a lot into making the museum displays as authentic as possible with paintings on the walls, sounds, lights, etc. very fun and exciting for the kids. They went through it so fast as they couldn't wait to see what was around the next corner.
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