We arrived safely at St Thomas around six in the morning. At around 8:00 we heard announcements that there was a electrical fire abroad the ship. So the boys and I promptly decided to get off the ship and wait it out.
So here is a pic of us exploring things at the dock while we wait for the all clear, before we can go back on board and eat breakfast etc.
Eventually we got the all clear and went back to our cabin where Kenny began to throw up and he end up staying in bed for the rest of the day. In all we started our day off in St Thomas with plenty of excitement.

Alan and myself eventually went ashore and the first thing we noticed was these large iguana’s sunning themselves on the rocks near the docks. There must have been a dozen of them. Anyway we took a pic of just this one.

We walked down to a very posh little marina and they had all these really nice expensive sail boats, so we walked around talking to the different people about their boats and we took lots of pictures. So most of this update will be pictures of really nice expensive boats.

This boat was really unique it had belonged to General Patton and was over 70 years old its called the "when and if". It was being wintered here, down from Martha's vineyard. It is double planked with oak on the inside and African mahogany on the outside. It took a crew of six to sail her as everything was manual unlike the newer sail boats where the sails are all motorized and computer controlled.

When walked back to the ship the crew were having a full evacuation drill. So they lowered all the life boats one a time and tested them. It was not every day you see a ship drop its life boats so we stayed to watch.

Here is another posh sail boat belonging to the rich and famous, the security at the marina would not even let us come close to it. But I got a good picture of it from the deck of the Maasdam.

Here we are pulling out of St Thomas its about 4 in the afternoon (apparently some of the ships passengers got left on the island as the ship will only wait about 20 minutes past departure time for any late comers.)

Here is another pic of the "When and If" it really is quite the classic boat isn't it?

Another nice sailing boat

Another picture of the island and all the moored sailing boats taken in the afternoon as we were leaving.

There were all these small barren rocky islands around St Thomas which looked neat in the setting sun.

One of those beautiful sunsets at sea that we enjoied almost every day.