The ship could not get near the dock so it dropped anchor half a mile out. Here is a pic of the side right as we were stepping on to the ferry to go across.

Here we are making our way just Alan and me, Kenny stayed on board and rested. It had been raining that morning so it was a little overcast. But thankfully it stayed dry the rest of the day.

The docking area for the ferries was this very narrow little channel, I guess the island is very exposed so they built this little harbor to protect from the serious storms you can get out here. By the way the island belongs to the Holland America shipping line so everything here is geared to the ships passengers.

Here is a view of the beach, with its beautifully whites sands and clear water.

They had all these kids slides etc on the island which Alan really enjoyed.

This little hut marked the spot for viewing stingrays so we hung out there a while till we saw some.

The stingrays were harmless and you could go down and touch them for a small fee.

Alan having a small snack before heading back, they had free food on the island, courtesy of the cruise line.

Here we are heading back to the ship at the end of a day of fun and exploring on the island.

Our last sunset of the cruise, and that concludes are cruise blog updates. Adios till next time

Stay tuned for new updates from Leila's trip to England.
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