We recently went on a 5 day road trip to Lineras, Mexico for Easter weekend. We were invited to go up there by our good friends Michael and Alexandra. Here is the story of where we went and what happened.
The team was Susan, Kenny and myself. The distination was the mountains of Lineras just outside of Monterrey, Mexico. We made is safely over the boarder and stopped for lunch at a Church's Chicken where the manager donated lunch to us and got saved. While we were praying with the manager a couple in the restaurant overheard us and came over to talk with us.
We talked with them for about an hour and they turned out to be missionaries too and they were able to get some of our educational materials for kids in Spanish that we brought with us. We exchanged emails and promised to stay in touch.
Here's a picture of the missionary couple we met.
After another 4 hours of driving we meet up with Alexandra in Lineras around 5:00 pm and we convoyed up to the mountains which as you will see from the next few pictures were just awesome. I had no idea they had mountians like this in Mexico.
Sorry if some of the pictures are the best we took them from car as we were driving up.
We got there by like 8:00 and there turned out to be about 100 people there, with a big tent in the middle and a pentacostal service going strong. The kids danced up front to Mexican gospel music for an hour then there was an Easter service, all in Spanish of course. After the meeting we pitched our tents and crashed for the night.
We woke up to a fairly cold mountain sunrise. We slept pretty good. Kenny and I took a walk before breakfast to get an idea of where we were.

Here's Kenny and Susan having some Bible reading time in Susan's tent.
They asked us to give a class, so I gave the easter message, and Susan translated.
After that all 100 of us went for a hike into the nearby moutains and we had singing and Bible reading at the top.
Here is the veiw from the hike.
Here we are all gathered around waiting for our mountain meeting to start.
Kenny and I taking a break on the hike
Later on that afternoon we made balloon sculptures for the kids. We got to learn a lot of Spanish words and the kids all learned how to make balloon shapes.
The next morning after an early sunrise service. We packed up the huge meeting tent and then each team or family began packing up their own tents in preparation to leave.
Here is another pic of the camp and the early morning sunrise, you can see the moon on one side and the light reflecting off the hills on the other.
Kenny did one last round of balloons for the kids before we left. Kenny by the end had overcome his shyness and had a great time interacting with the kids in his limited Spanish.
They had orange trees everywhere so we picked a bunch before pulling out.
We left the camp up in the mountains and went down to the city of Lineras. The very first hotel we approached agreed to let us stay for free. So after a good rest we went out to a nearby lake where everyone was busy partying and we passed out many tracts there and lead 45 people to the Lord. This next section is photos of our time at the lake.
Susan was awesome and really interacted well with everyone. We learned a lot from seeing her talk to the different people we met.
Here we are passing out activated mags and tracts to the swimmers.
Here are two tourists we met, that received the Lord. ;-p
Here we are meeting more people along the water front. It was Easter Sunday afternoon so everyone was out with their families.
Here we are with a large group of kids who all received the Lord into their hearts. They were very respectful of the Lord and our work as missionaries.
The next day we decided to try reach the people in the town, so we went to the plaza and anywhere else we could meet the local people. We had a great time and led about 35 more people to the Lord. The next couple of pictures are of us in the plaza.
Kenny did really well interacting with the poeple.
The next day we traveled up towards Monterrey, but first we stopped at a little town called Santiago. It was a really cute little town and we talked to people in the plaza and at the look out point and in the dinosaur museum. Here is Kenny and myself on the steps of the old church.
The area has a beautiful lake and folks come from miles around to picnic around the lake. In this pic we are up at a look out point where we could see the whole town and the lake.

Here we are with a group of young people who were busy making their own music video at the look out point. We talked to them and they were just the sweetest kids and all received the Lord into their hearts and really appreciated what we were doing dispite there "cool" outward appearance.

In Santiago they have this little musuem with a lot of dinosaur remains. So we went and checked out some of the local reconstructions of animals they had found in the area.
I had never seen a flying anything like this before, it was huge. Its wingspan was about 30 feet. It's a little hard to tell from the picture just how big this thing is.
Another one of the dinosaur replicas.
In the same town up in the hills they had this hotel and waterfall so we went up to visit. They had peacocks in the yard so we took a couple of pictures.

The water fall is in a natural park, but they let us in for free once we explained that we were missionaries. Everywhere we went people were so accommodating and helpful.
It was a decent water fall and Kenny enjoied the hike up.
Here are a couple more pictures of the waterfall.
Here we are in a secluded spot near to the waterfall just before we left to come back. Overall we had a great trip, we met many precious people and led over 90 souls to Chirst. We learned a lot about Mexico and its language and culture. We hope to go there again soon.
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